Foresight is 2020

As the final countdown for the decade commences I sit here and look ahead to 2020 and what all it might bring.

I have been following along with Shellshock Prime's A-Z challenge and wanted to do something similar, just on a smaller scale so that I might actually finish it during 2020.

So, I decided that I would embark on the BACKLOG challenge.

In simpleton terms this means that I'll play games that start with the letters of BACKLOG over the course of the year and then when I look back on it I'll feel accomplished.  Depending on how quickly that goes and if there is time left in the year I'll follow it up with BLUES.

The biggest problem, of course, is narrowing down what games I'll play for each letter.

While all of this could change over the course of 2020 this is currently how I think I'm approaching it.
Everyone of these games are on my "must play" list but there are always other games that could sneak in and steal time away.


B - Batman: Telltale
A - Alien Isolation
C - Control
K - Kingdom Battle (Mario X Rabids)
L - Luigi's Mansion 3
O - Ori and the Blind Forest
G - God of War

B - Batman: The Enemy Within
L - LOTR: Shadow of War
U - Uncharted 4
E - Evil Within 2
S - Steamworld Quest

That works out to 1 game every month which is pretty good when you are a time restricted gamer. However, there are a bunch of other games that I really want to get to and put some time into as well.

For Instance, I will start the year playing the second half of Fire Emblem Three Houses.  So, the list of other games I plan on getting to:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Final Fantasy 7 remake
The Last of Us 2
Resident Evil 2 remake
Danganronpa 2
Travis Strikes Again
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Steins Gate Elite
Darksiders Genesis

Yeah, I've listed over 20 games and I haven't reached that number in either of the past two years.

So, dear #Backloggers I now have a challenge for you.

Look over my list and submit your answer in the comments section or on twitter or discord or hand write them and mail them to me.  The delivery method is up to you.

How far do you think I will get in my challenge?  Will I start every game? Will I beat every game?
are there games you think I will give up on?  How many of my other list will I play? Beat?
Are there games you think I won't even touch?

At the end of 2020 I want to look back on the list and your guesses and see who had the closest prediction.

I look forward to chronicling my 2020 journey here for everyone and I hope you all come along on the journey with me.


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